Many struggle with the debilitating effects of SB as they age. There are alternative therapies that may help manage pain, and promote some healing, allowing us to stay active and not "lose" any of our abilities. These therapies include PT, MT and acupuncture in addition to traditional pain management therapy. The goal is that every person with SB that is capable of living a productive life in society should be encouraged and supported to do so. Too many with SB have been told that they will never work, and won't ever need that higher education, so they fall into the black hole of forced poverty. It is an ugly and demeaning cycle that does not age well and keeps those with SB away from productive relationships, marriage, children, careers, it's just really sad
Your donation can make a difference in the lives of individuals with spinal Bifida.
Develop a Program for the Care of Adults in Your City - Karen Cushnyr
Op-Ed: It Doesn’t Matter What People Call Me: Let’s Fight for What Really Matters
The American Association on Health and Disability is hosting a series of live interviews with disability community members to learn how they make the most of their private or public insurance coverage. Join AAHD once again for a candid conversation on getting the most out of your #healthcare coverage! This week's topic? Access to specialists, such as a focus on a specific area of medicine to address more than primary care. Our guest this week is Karen Cushnyr, proud to be a part of the Spina Bifida community, working to improve the lives of all living with SB and has worked for over 25 years in healthcare, primarily as a Healthcare Administrator.
Spina bifida is a birth disorder that involves the incomplete development of the spine. In the first month of pregnancy, a special set of cells forms the “neural tube;” the top of the tube becomes the brain, and the remainder becomes the spinal cord and structures around it. In spina bifida, the neural tube doesn’t close completely and some of the bones of the spine do not close in the back. This can result in an opening anywhere along the spine and may cause damage to the spinal cord and nerves
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